Product updates

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2024-10-01 Manage dashboards permissions in more detail NEW
  • Choose from four permission levels—View, Create, Edit, and Delete— for either all dashboards or individual ones. This gives you greater control and flexibility, ensuring that users have the appropriate access while safeguarding sensitive data.

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2024-09-25 Assign events to multiple workloads at the same time
  • You can now assign a single event to multiple workloads in the same step. This provides a better overview of events, reduces the chance of errors when managing multiple workloads, and speeds up the process, allowing for more efficient workload management.

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2024-09-25 Create multi-day events in your forecast
  • You can now easily define and manage events spanning multiple days, such as school vacations or network outages, ensuring smoother planning and improved forecast accuracy.

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2024-08-28 Two additional forecast versions
  • You can now create, save, and export four forecast snapshots to easily track and compare different versions. This allows you to store forecasts with different horizons, better supporting your processes from capacity planning to short-term forecast updates.

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2024-08-21 Easier maintenance of log files
  • As an admin, you can now choose a custom folder for your logs (instead of using the default local folder) and set a maximum file size. This makes it easier to monitor and manage data according to your preferred organization method. Learn more
2024-07-01 Create forecasts up to 24 months in advance
  • Forecasting capabilities have been extended from 12 months to 24 months for Advanced and Enterprise customers. This improvement allows you to anticipate future needs and trends more accurately, providing a significant advantage in strategic long-term planning.
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2024-06-19 Easier mapping of activities and people with external systems
  • Easily manage the mapping of your people and activities with your external systems. Under the new People application, you can now manage each person’s external identifier under their profile. For activities mapping, head on to the Intraday application and manage activities under the new Configuration tab.
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2024-06-18 Unlimited Forecasting Events and new UI
  • Within the Forecast application, you can now create and edit an unlimited amount of Events and name them as you wish.
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2024-06-10 Create workloads without queues
  • Forecasters and planners can now set up workloads without the prerequisite of an integration or source queues. Set up your workloads faster, upload your forecasts, and start your planning process immediately.
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2024-05-28 Unified user management in People
  • The People app now fully incorporates all user management functionalities in one intuitive interface.
  • The old user management page under Account will be deprecated and fully replaced by People on June 30.
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